Focused on safety, the environment and our people
RedBull Powder Company Ltd recognises the high risk environment in which it operates and is committed to best practice in Health & Safety across all activities including the operation of a Major Hazard Facility. RedBull manages its health and safety risk through an online health and safety management system which is app-based for field access.
The RedBull safety culture is measured on achieving zero harm or injury and based on the following key values:
RedBull has a clear Health and Safety vision that leads our direction and values and is demonstrated through our commitment, intentions and principles to all matters of Health and Safety
RedBull will work with our customers to ensure that we fully understand their environment and risks and engage with them to ensure a safe working culture
Our commitment to Health and Safety is a key element of the RedBull Brand. We demonstrate this through living our values and ensuring that we consider Health and Safety in our day to day activities and reinforce through our culture. Our brand is integral to our business and our status as a responsible Major Hazard Facility operator
RedBull recognises that strong internal and external relationships is a key contribution in assuring the Health and Safety of all employees and customers
We support our people to understand the requirements of their roles and the Health and Safety enivironment in which they operate so that they go home safely after every shift
RedBull will communicate with our employees, customers and industry associates in ensuring the implementation and continual improvement of our safety systems.