Drilling Services
Construction Drilling
RedBull operates a division which specialises in a variety of different types of drilling requirements in geotechnical works, urban drainage, construction work, land development and utility services.This includes:
- Blasthole drilling in confined urban sites
- Rock bolt drilling for earth reinforcing
- Geotechnical investigation drilling for industrial development sites
- Soakage investigation drilling for drainage design
- Drainage soakholes up to 150mm diameter
- Soakage flowrate testing
- Drilling for fence posts, anchor holes and earthing rods
RedBull utilises a range of drill rigs for urban drilling, including the Tamrock Pantera 900 and Gardner Denver 3500 rigs. The rigs may be mounted on a transporter for ease of manoeuvrability and access around residential streets and to eliminate road damage by tracked machine.
We provide comprehensive reports on flowrate testing and/or geotechnical findings on all projects.
Ranger DX-800 with noise suppression shrouding for urban drilling